St. John the Apostle Novena

St. John the Apostle Novena is a nine-day devotion dedicated to St. John the Apostle, one of Jesus’ closest disciples. It provides a way to focus on praying to St. John and seeking his intercession with God for specific needs or intentions.

St. John is venerated for his unique closeness to Jesus. He was the youngest disciple, known for his love and purity. He witnessed many key events in Jesus’ life, including the Last Supper, Crucifixion, and Resurrection. He’s also credited with writing the Gospel of John and several letters in the New Testament.

Remember, the most important aspect of the novena is your personal intention and commitment to prayer. Approach it with a sincere heart and open yourself to God’s grace through the intercession of St. John the Apostle.

Day 1 – St. John the Apostle Novena

Let us begin, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O glorious Apostle, who, on account of thy virginal purity, wast so beloved by Jesus as to deserve to lay thy head upon His divine breast, and to be left, in His place, as son to His most holy Mother:

I beg thee to inflame me with a most ardent love toward Jesus and Mary.

Obtain for me from our Lord that I, too, with a heart purified from earthly afflictions, may be made worthy to be ever united to Jesus as a faithful disciple, and to Mary as a devoted son, both here on earth and eternally in heaven.

(Mention your request here.)

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

St John the Apostle, pray for us.


Day 2 – St. John the Apostle Novena

Let us begin, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O glorious Apostle, who, on account of thy virginal purity, wast so beloved by Jesus as to deserve to lay thy head upon His divine breast, and to be left, in His place, as son to His most holy Mother:

I beg thee to inflame me with a most ardent love toward Jesus and Mary.

Obtain for me from our Lord that I, too, with a heart purified from earthly afflictions, may be made worthy to be ever united to Jesus as a faithful disciple, and to Mary as a devoted son, both here on earth and eternally in heaven.

(Mention your request here.)

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

St John the Apostle, pray for us.


Day 3 – St. John the Apostle Novena

Let us begin, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O glorious Apostle, who, on account of thy virginal purity, wast so beloved by Jesus as to deserve to lay thy head upon His divine breast, and to be left, in His place, as son to His most holy Mother:

I beg thee to inflame me with a most ardent love toward Jesus and Mary.

Obtain for me from our Lord that I, too, with a heart purified from earthly afflictions, may be made worthy to be ever united to Jesus as a faithful disciple, and to Mary as a devoted son, both here on earth and eternally in heaven.

(Mention your request here.)

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

St John the Apostle, pray for us.


Day 4 – St. John the Apostle Novena

Let us begin, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O glorious Apostle, who, on account of thy virginal purity, wast so beloved by Jesus as to deserve to lay thy head upon His divine breast, and to be left, in His place, as son to His most holy Mother:

I beg thee to inflame me with a most ardent love toward Jesus and Mary.

Obtain for me from our Lord that I, too, with a heart purified from earthly afflictions, may be made worthy to be ever united to Jesus as a faithful disciple, and to Mary as a devoted son, both here on earth and eternally in heaven.

(Mention your request here.)

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

St John the Apostle, pray for us.


Day 5 – St. John the Apostle Novena

Let us begin, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O glorious Apostle, who, on account of thy virginal purity, wast so beloved by Jesus as to deserve to lay thy head upon His divine breast, and to be left, in His place, as son to His most holy Mother:

I beg thee to inflame me with a most ardent love toward Jesus and Mary.

Obtain for me from our Lord that I, too, with a heart purified from earthly afflictions, may be made worthy to be ever united to Jesus as a faithful disciple, and to Mary as a devoted son, both here on earth and eternally in heaven.

(Mention your request here.)

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

St John the Apostle, pray for us.


Day 6 – St. John the Apostle Novena

Let us begin, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O glorious Apostle, who, on account of thy virginal purity, wast so beloved by Jesus as to deserve to lay thy head upon His divine breast, and to be left, in His place, as son to His most holy Mother:

I beg thee to inflame me with a most ardent love toward Jesus and Mary.

Obtain for me from our Lord that I, too, with a heart purified from earthly afflictions, may be made worthy to be ever united to Jesus as a faithful disciple, and to Mary as a devoted son, both here on earth and eternally in heaven.

(Mention your request here.)

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

St John the Apostle, pray for us.


Day 7 – St. John the Apostle Novena

Let us begin, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O glorious Apostle, who, on account of thy virginal purity, wast so beloved by Jesus as to deserve to lay thy head upon His divine breast, and to be left, in His place, as son to His most holy Mother:

I beg thee to inflame me with a most ardent love toward Jesus and Mary.

Obtain for me from our Lord that I, too, with a heart purified from earthly afflictions, may be made worthy to be ever united to Jesus as a faithful disciple, and to Mary as a devoted son, both here on earth and eternally in heaven.

(Mention your request here.)

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

St John the Apostle, pray for us.


Day 8 – St. John the Apostle Novena

Let us begin, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O glorious Apostle, who, on account of thy virginal purity, wast so beloved by Jesus as to deserve to lay thy head upon His divine breast, and to be left, in His place, as son to His most holy Mother:

I beg thee to inflame me with a most ardent love toward Jesus and Mary.

Obtain for me from our Lord that I, too, with a heart purified from earthly afflictions, may be made worthy to be ever united to Jesus as a faithful disciple, and to Mary as a devoted son, both here on earth and eternally in heaven.

(Mention your request here.)

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

St John the Apostle, pray for us.


Day 9 – St. John the Apostle Novena

Let us begin, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O glorious Apostle, who, on account of thy virginal purity, wast so beloved by Jesus as to deserve to lay thy head upon His divine breast, and to be left, in His place, as son to His most holy Mother:

I beg thee to inflame me with a most ardent love toward Jesus and Mary.

Obtain for me from our Lord that I, too, with a heart purified from earthly afflictions, may be made worthy to be ever united to Jesus as a faithful disciple, and to Mary as a devoted son, both here on earth and eternally in heaven.

(Mention your request here.)

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

St John the Apostle, pray for us.


Saint Jude Novena: Day 9

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Most holy St. Jude—apostle, martyr and friend of Jesus, today I ask that you pray for me and my intentions! (Pause for a moment to pray for your intentions.)

You are the patron of the impossible. Pray for me and my intentions! O St. Jude, pray that God’s grace and mercy will cover my intentions. Pray for the impossible if it is God’s will.

Pray that I may have the grace to accept God’s holy will even if it is painful and difficult for me.

St. Jude, pray for me that I will not lose faith.

O St. Jude, pray for me that I may grow in faith, hope and love and in the grace of Jesus Christ. Pray for these intentions, but most of all pray that I may join you in heaven with God for all eternity.


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saint Jude Novena: Day 8

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Most holy St. Jude—apostle, martyr and friend of Jesus, today I ask that you pray for me and my intentions! (Pause for a moment to pray for your intentions.)

You are the patron of the impossible. Pray for me and my intentions! O St. Jude, pray that God’s grace and mercy will cover my intentions. Pray for the impossible if it is God’s will.

Pray that I may have the grace to accept God’s holy will even if it is painful and difficult for me.

St. Jude, pray for me that I will not lose hope.

O St. Jude, pray for me that I may grow in faith, hope and love and in the grace of Jesus Christ. Pray for these intentions, but most of all pray that I may join you in heaven with God for all eternity.


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saint Jude Novena: Day 7

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Most holy St. Jude—apostle, martyr and friend of Jesus, today I ask that you pray for me and my intentions! (Pause for a moment to pray for your intentions.)

You are the patron of the impossible. Pray for me and my intentions! O St. Jude, pray that God’s grace and mercy will cover my intentions. Pray for the impossible if it is God’s will.

Pray that I may have the grace to accept God’s holy will even if it is painful and difficult for me.

St. Jude, pray that I may put my trust in God that He knows my needs even better than I do and that He provides.

O St. Jude, pray for me that I may grow in faith, hope and love and in the grace of Jesus Christ. Pray for these intentions, but most of all pray that I may join you in heaven with God for all eternity.


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saint Jude Novena: Day 6

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Most holy St. Jude—apostle, martyr and friend of Jesus, today I ask that you pray for me and my intentions! (Pause for a moment to pray for your intentions.)

You are the patron of the impossible. Pray for me and my intentions! O St. Jude, pray that God’s grace and mercy will cover my intentions. Pray for the impossible if it is God’s will.

Pray that I may have the grace to accept God’s holy will even if it is painful and difficult for me.

St. Jude, pray that I may know God’s will in my life.

O St. Jude, pray for me that I may grow in faith, hope and love and in the grace of Jesus Christ. Pray for these intentions, but most of all pray that I may join you in heaven with God for all eternity. Amen.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saint Jude Novena: Day 5

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Most holy St. Jude—apostle, martyr and friend of Jesus, today I ask that you pray for me and my intentions! (Pause for a moment to pray for your intentions.)

You are the patron of the impossible. Pray for me and my intentions! O St. Jude, pray that God’s grace and mercy will cover my intentions. Pray for the impossible if it is God’s will.

Pray that I may have the grace to accept God’s holy will even if it is painful and difficult for me.

St. Jude, you sacrificed for the Kingdom of God, pray that I may sacrifice like you.

O St. Jude, pray for me that I may grow in faith, hope and love and in the grace of Jesus Christ. Pray for these intentions, but most of all pray that I may join you in heaven with God for all eternity. Amen.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saint Jude Novena: Day 4

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Most holy St. Jude—apostle, martyr and friend of Jesus, today I ask that you pray for me and my intentions! (Pause for a moment to pray for your intentions.)

You are the patron of the impossible. Pray for me and my intentions! O St. Jude, pray that God’s grace and mercy will cover my intentions. Pray for the impossible if it is God’s will.

Pray that I may have the grace to accept God’s holy will even if it is painful and difficult for me.

St. Jude, you are known for answering lost causes, pray for my most impossible needs.

O St. Jude, pray for me that I may grow in faith, hope and love and in the grace of Jesus Christ. Pray for these intentions, but most of all pray that I may join you in heaven with God for all eternity.


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saint Jude Novena: Day 3

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Most holy St. Jude—apostle, martyr and friend of Jesus, today I ask that you pray for me and my intentions! (Pause for a moment to pray for your particular intentions.)

You are the patron of the impossible. Pray for me and my intentions! O St. Jude, pray that God’s grace and mercy will cover my intentions. Pray for the impossible if it is God’s will. Pray that I may have the grace to accept God’s holy will even if it is painful and difficult for me.

St. Jude, you labored for years, pray that I may have patience in my struggles.

O St. Jude, pray for me that I may grow in faith, hope and love and in the grace of Jesus Christ. Pray for these intentions, but most of all pray that I may join you in heaven with God for all eternity.


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saint Jude Novena: Day 2

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Most holy St. Jude—apostle, martyr and friend of Jesus, today I ask that you pray for me and my intentions! (Pause for a moment to pray for your particular intentions.)

You are the patron of the impossible. Pray for me and my intentions! O St. Jude, pray that God’s grace and mercy will cover my intentions. Pray for the impossible if it is God’s will.

Pray that I may have the grace to accept God’s holy will even if it is painful and difficult for me. St. Jude, pray that I may have your zeal to preach the Gospel.

O St. Jude, pray for me that I may grow in faith, hope and love and in the grace of Jesus Christ. Pray for these intentions, but most of all pray that I may join you in heaven with God for all eternity.


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saint Jude Novena: Day 1

Why Pray to Saint Jude?

A bit of background about Saint Jude. Saint Judas Thaddeus was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ. He is often referred to as the “patron saint of lost causes” and the “patron saint of the impossible.”

A cousin of Jesus, Saint Jude was born in Galilee and was a brother of James the Less, another apostle. Although not much is known about his life, he is mentioned in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke as well as the Acts of the Apostles. Saint Jude is traditionally depicted as a young man with a beard, carrying a club or a staff. He is often accompanied by a flame, which represents the Holy Spirit.

Saint Jude is invoked by many people who are facing difficult or hopeless situations and is also invoked by people who are seeking lost items or people.

Consider praying to Saint Jude for any reason, including:

Asking for help with a difficult or hopeless situation.
Asking for help making a difficult decision.
Asking for help overcoming a personal challenge.
Asking for help finding peace and comfort.
Asking for help praying for someone else.

The feast day of Saint Jude is October 28.

Day 1

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Most holy St. Jude—apostle, martyr and friend of Jesus, today I ask that you pray for me and my intentions! (Pause for a moment to pray for your particular intentions.)

You are the patron of the impossible. Pray for me and my intentions! O St. Jude, pray that God’s grace and mercy will cover my intentions. Pray for the impossible if it is God’s will.

Pray that I may have the grace to accept God’s holy will even if it is painful and difficult for me. Saint Jude, you loved our Lord, help me to love Him more.

O Saint Jude, pray for me that I may grow in faith, hope and love and in the grace of Jesus Christ. Pray for these intentions, but most of all pray that I may join you in heaven with God for all eternity.


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.