A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew
The tempter approached and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become loaves of bread.” He said in reply, “It is written: One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.”
In today’s Gospel, Jesus is led by the Spirit into the desert for the purpose of being tempted by the devil. Twice, Satan tempts Jesus beginning with the words “If you are the Son of God.” In Jesus’ many encounters with the evil spirits that he rebuked, the spirits recognize Jesus immediately by saying “I know who you are—the Holy One of God.” Satan knows well that Jesus is the Son of God; it is the Father of Lies who tries to weaken Jesus by questioning his divine identity. In the same way, the first reading from Genesis shows how Satan questioned Eve, weakening her reliance God’s word: “Did God really tell you not to eat from any of the trees in the garden?”
God, help me understand how to face temptations as Jesus did. He gives us the exact way to respond when tempted: not through argument buy by invoking your holy name. “One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.” And “You shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test.” Jesus says to him, “Get away, Satan! It is written: The Lord, your God, shall you worship and him alone shall you serve.” For every lie Satan presents to Jesus, he refutes it with truth, the word that comes forth from your mouth. By saying “Get away, Satan!” Jesus declares his divine authority as your Son. Just as you spoke light into existence, Jesus speaks and Satan leaves him.
When tempted, Lord, let me look to what follows as Jesus conquers temptation. “Then the devil left him,” Matthew says, “and, behold, angels came and ministered to him.” When I am tempted, Lord, and desire what I want when I want it, let your Spirit within me speak your name, my Lord and my God.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.