From the responsorial psalm: “Say among the nations: The LORD is king. He has made the world firm, not to be moved; he governs the peoples with equity. The Lord comes to judge the earth.”
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke (Lk 21:5-11)
Then they asked him, “Teacher, when will this happen? And what sign will there be when all these things are about to happen?” He answered, “See that you not be deceived, for many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ and ‘The time has come.’ Do not follow them! When you hear of wars and insurrections, do not be terrified; for such things must happen first, but it will not immediately be the end.”
Jesus observes some people who are speaking about the beautifully adorned temple, its votive offerings, and its costly stones. When Jesus tells them that the days will come when nothing of the temple will be left, they question when this will happen. Turning their attention away from the visible world, Jesus begins to speak of a time and place apart from the present. As much as God is outside of time, so is the kingdom of God; it is already hear and yet to be. The deceiving voices who say they know when the time will come don’t know. Jesus describes what could very well be the present with its wars and insurrections, nation fighting against nation, and global catastrophes. Yet, he also speaks specifically of the final judgment, a time of awesome sights and mighty signs, and as John describes, “sitting on the cloud one who looked like a son of man with a gold crown on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand.” In turning our attention away from the present and toward the end times, Jesus invites us to behold a new creation and, ultimately, the realization of God’s promises.
God, before the day unfolds at a pace I struggle to derive meaning from, let me remember what Jesus did in turning the gaze of the people away from the realities and things of the present. First, I hear Jesus say, “See that you not be deceived.” Give me the grace, Lord, to hear you and tune out the voices draw attention to themselves and lead me away from you. Your kingdom is here right now, and Jesus is present today in the scriptures and in the sacraments. Give me wisdom to put my trust there and not take the things of this world or its agendas so seriously. The Gospel acclamation reminds in a few words what the gift of time on earth is for: “Remain faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.”
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.