From the Gospel acclamation: “Remain in me, as I remain in you, says the Lord; whoever remains in me will bear much fruit.”
A reading from the holy Gospel according to John (Jn 15:4a, 5b)
In the middle of this passage, which we just heard in Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus says something astounding. Although we may have encountered these words countless times in prayer and verified through life experiences, the truth of it remains: without God we can do nothing, as withered as a dead branch only good to be thrown into a fire and burned. This is the result of not being connected to the source of life. Just as a branch that is disconnected from the vine withers and becomes worthless, failing to remain in Jesus means loss of spiritual vitality and his life-giving relationship. Jesus invites all of us to remain connected to him, know his love, and produce the good spiritual fruit of faith, love, and a holy life.
God, help me wholeheartedly accept Jesus’ invitation to remain in him. It is my choice, and you respect my free will; yet, without you, I can do nothing. Let me choose to abide in Jesus’ love and experience the spiritual vitality that comes from being connected to him. Without a firm connection to you Lord, how can I hope to know through faith your gifts of love, joy, peace, patience, and other spiritual fruits? Remain in me, Lord, so I can remain in you and bring to others your love and mercy.