A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark
So [Jesus] went in and said to them, “Why this commotion and weeping? The child is not dead but asleep.” And they ridiculed him.
Today’s Gospel tells two stories: first, Jesus is on his way to the house of Jarius, to heal his daughter who is dying; second, while on the way, a woman who had been suffering from bleeding for twelve years reached out to Jesus for healing. She touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and was immediately healed. Jesus told her she was healed because of her faith, and she went away rejoicing. In the first reading, Saint Paul encourages readers to fix their eyes on Jesus and endure the discipline of the cross. Paul uses Jesus as the ultimate example of perseverance and explains that the discipline we receive will produce a harvest of righteousness and peace. Despite people ridiculing him, Jesus demonstrates his power and ability to heal to the point of raising the dead to life. “Do not be afraid”; Jesus says, “just have faith.”
Lord, help me understand that when you speak, you bring creation itself into being. When you say to the child, “Little girl, I say to you, arise!” she immediately gets up and walks around. The woman who touches your clothes is healed instantly because of her faith in reaching out for you. “Daughter, your faith has saved you,” says Jesus, “Go in peace and be cured of your affliction.” Grant me the grace, God, to go in peace today, knowing my life is in your hands. Strengthen my faith in you to avoid sin and let me trust that you “take away our infirmities and bear our diseases.” God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, give me new life today in you.
Lord, look to my needs today just as you cared for all who came to you while you walked the earth. Let me be mindful of you throughout the day, especially in the moments when I feel most alone. From the Responsorial Psalm, “They will praise you, Lord, who long for you.” Saint John Bosco, pray for us!
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.