Jesus said to his disciples: “Do not give what is holy to dogs, or throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them underfoot, and turn and tear you to pieces. Do to others whatever you would have them do to you.”
These two statements are placed together in a way that leaves me wondering about the connection together. It could be that Jesus said them separately, at different times, but there is a connection between caring for what is good and holy and true and at the same time treating others with love and respect.
Jesus, Son of God, you did not treat the people you met as they deserved but instead gave them the fullness of your Father’s love and mercy. How is it that you gave what is holy to dogs and treated others, even those who hated you, as you would have them treat you?
Even the swine who reject you, God, you leave open a way for them to return. It’s easy to say that others for certain belief, or lack of it, are swine. But I have been the swine, and the one who trampled pearls underfoot. Yet your love for me remained so that I could return to you.
The day is long, and I will forget to treat myself and others as temples of the Holy Spirit. God, help me remember in the moments where I face little love from others to treat them in turn through the Holy Spirit with the love of your Son.