Mary said, “He has cast down the mighty from their thrones, and has lifted up the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty.”
Here are lines that are relevant to every day of my life. Day after day, I am hungry and look for good things to fill me. Every day, I look for justice to be done, for oppression to end and for humility to win; for material wealth for its own sake to be brought to light as meaningless, void. God’s promise of mercy penetrates everything, so much so that Mary “proclaims the greatness of the Lord.”
God, help me understand your holy Name, that only in you am I filled and lifted up. Thank you, God, for Mary’s Magnificat, where she speaks of your mercy that she has directed us to as Our Mother throughout the ages.
Mary, blessed among women for all generations, bring me to your Son at all times, especially when I am hungry and lowly and need to be filled with good things, food that satisfies—the Bread of Life.
Today let me be aware of the things I try to fill myself with. When I feel pushed down and inadequate, let me remember to return to the Father to be lifted up.