“But I tell you the truth, it is better for you that I go. For if I do not go, the Advocate will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.”
In these words from today’s Gospel reading, Jesus continues speaking of the coming of the Advocate. The disciples are filled with grief by what he says. Yet, if he stays, the Advocate will not come; if he goes to the Father, Jesus will send the Advocate to them.
God, help me understand that you work in ways I don’t ordinarily foresee or understand. Just as Paul and Silas pray and sing hymns after being beaten and imprisoned for preaching the Gospel, how difficult would it be for me when things don’t go my way to pray and accept that your will be done and praise you for it?
I feel especially rushed and moved along today by obligations and circumstances. The day doesn’t look like it’s going the way I would have it. God, show me how to rest in this and find your presence. Let me see Christ in others, and let me be a lifesaver to anyone else who feels tossed about on the waves.
Today I want to remember to be merciful when someone I encounter wants to cling to what is rather than let go of what is and trust that God will provide.