Monday of the Fifth Week of Easter

“Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him.”

Jesus says these words as he teaches his disciples about the coming of the Advocate, the Holy Spirit. If I recognize the Holy Spirit as the love between the Father and the Son, it is easier to see that that same love can come to dwell in me. This is true, as Jesus says, for “whoever has my commandments and observes them.” In this short Gospel reading of 155 words, Jesus uses the word love seven times in the sense of both loving the Father and the Son and being loved by the Father and the Son.

God, help me understand that you call me to love you and love the Father by doing your will; in turn, you send the Advocate to teach and remind me of all that your Son said and did. Realizing this in myself is a way, as the Psalm says, to give glory not to myself but to your name.

The workday has a way of occupying a huge amount of mental space. God, I know you want me to give my anxieties and cares to you as a little child does who comes to his mother and father when hurt or troubled. Thank you for the gift of family and the many opportunities I will have today to do your will and share the joy of having the Advocate teaching me.

Today I will remember the particular love that Jesus reveals for each of those who observe his commandments. Jesus invites me into that same love through his life, death, and resurrection, and also in his Father sending the Advocate in his Son’s name. Let me recall that in keeping the word of Jesus, I make a place for him to dwell within me so that I can then go out and give glory to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

USCCB Readings

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