“No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him.”
The relationship between the Son and the Father is one to one. Unlike an earthly father and son relationship, the Father knows the Son and the Son the Father. Then, into that relationship, Jesus includes all of us—“anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him.” In the same Gospel passage, Jesus says this revelation is not to the wise and the learned but to the childlike.
God, help me understand that your Son invites me into the same knowledge of you that he has. To know you is to love you, and to love you is to see you with the eyes of a child. That sense of awe that a child has in exploring the world, seeing things for the first time—from that point of view it’s possible to turn to God and say, “I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth.”
Only God is apart from all the tumult and anxieties of the day; with his Son at his right hand, he waits for me to return to him where both tumult and anxieties cease. Saint John Vianney said, “God loves us more than the best of fathers, and more tenderly than the most devoted of mothers. We have only then to abandon ourselves to His Will with the heart of a child.”
Today let me slow down enough to remember to give the Father praise for relationships—the relationship of the Son to the Father and the relationships God has given me for the sake of praising him. Let me be open to seeing God’s work in the world and experiencing awe as a child experiences it, as if for the first time.